
Contributing to Kaoto

First of all thank you for your consideration to contribute to the Kaoto project.

There are many ways to contribute…

  • develop new features
  • solve issues
  • improve the documentation
  • improve the webpage
  • help fellow users in the forums, the chat or in issues

Getting in touch

Kaoto is an Open Source project. We do all communication in the open either in the GitHub discussion forums, in GitHub issues or in our dedicated Zulip Chat Channel.

Visit the Github Discussion Forum.

Join the Kaoto Zulip Chat channel.

Reporting a bug or problem

The Kaoto project uses GitHub Issues for tracking issues, tasks and feature requests.

When creating new issues, please try following some guidelines…

  • choose a title that is short but briefly describes the problem
  • provide a clear and detailed description
  • be as specific as possible
  • include all information that might help to reproduce
  • videos, pictures or animated GIFs or even source files can help explaining your problem
  • try to include steps to reproduce the problem

I want to code! Where to start?

A good starting point would be to check the contributing guide on Github.

Done with the reading and ready for some challenge?

The Kaoto project has a project board which offers a special view for new contributors looking for tasks to work on. The view is called Looking for volunteers.

If you found something to work on, please assign it to you and move the status to In Progress to indicate you are working on it.

Improving the webpage

You have ideas to improve the webpage, you would like to add a new workshop or you found a typo or broken link?

Feel free to report the problem in the GitHub issues. You can then also opt to work on a fix for it and provide a pull request.

Helping with the documentation

Documentation is a key factor to help users make the most out of Kaoto, and it’s probably the area that always needs more help!

If you are interested in help improving the documentation, whether it’s just to fix a page here or there, correct a link or even write a tutorial or improve existing documentation, please do jump in and help! The documentation is managed in the Kaoto website repository. You can also report issues with the documentation in this repository.

We are looking forward to your help!

The Kaoto Camel