Installation Guide

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Using our testing instance

We have an openly available testing instance .

As a suggestion, you can use some of our workshops as guides.

Learn more about how to use Kaoto in the Quickstart

Using VS Code

Do you already use Visual Studio Code ? If you don’t, you will need to install it first.

For the best user experience and for additional supportive features, we suggest installing the Extension Pack for Apache Camel , which also includes the Kaoto VS Code extension.

To be able to easily launch and debug your integrations locally, we also suggest to install Camel JBang .

The VS Code Kaoto extension is integrating Kaoto as an editor.

You can find specific information to get started on the wiki page of the VS Code Kaoto project .

You can also watch this video .

Using Docker

The only pre-requisite is to have docker installed .

docker pull
docker run -p8080:8080

You can now access Kaoto on http://localhost:8080 . If you specified a different port in the -p parameter above you need to adapt the URL.

Learn more about how to use Kaoto on the Quickstart

Always stop the containers when finishing using Kaoto, so you don’t have containers dangling:

docker stop kaoto-app