4. Kaoto DataMapper

4. Kaoto DataMapper

Kaoto DataMapper

Currently Kaoto DataMapper is only supported inside the Visual Studio Code extension as a technical preview feature. In the future we will aim to bring this functionality also to the pure web version of Kaoto.
At the moment the DataMapper only supports XML schema for rendering the data structure and it internally generates a single XSLT step to perform configured data mappings at runtime. While you can consume multiple XML documents with using Camel Variables and/or Message Headers which are mapped to XSLT parameters, the output is only a Camel Message Body.

Example Data Mappings

In addition to the regular Camel steps, Kaoto now supports a Kaoto DataMapper step to be placed in the Camel Route. The Kaoto DataMapper step provides a graphical user interface to create data mappings inside the Camel Route.

Adding a DataMapper step

  1. Add a Kaoto DataMapper step in your Camel route. When you Append, Prepend or Replace a step in the Kaoto Design view, you can find the Kaoto DataMapper step in the catalog.

DataMapper Catalog Tile

  1. Click the added Kaoto DataMapper step in the Kaoto Design to open the config form.

Kaoto DataMapper step

  1. In the config form, click the Configure button.

DataMapper Configure button

  1. This will open the visual DataMapper editor.

Blank DataMapper UI

Source and Target

In the DataMapper editor, you can see a Source section at the left and a Target section at the right side.

Source and Target

The Source section represents the input side of your mappings, where the DataMapper step reads the data from. This is mapped to the incoming Camel Message as well as possible Camel Variables.

The Target section represents the output side of your mappings, where the DataMapper step writes the data to. This is mapped to the outgoing Camel Message.


The Parameters section inside the Source section is mapped to any of the incoming Camel Variables and Message Headers. For example, if there is an incoming Camel Variable orderSequence, you can consume it by adding a parameter orderSequence in the DataMapper Source/Parameters section.

Follow the below steps to add a parameter.

  1. Click the plus + button on the right side of the Parameters title.


  1. Now type the parameter name and click the check button on the right.

Add Parameter confirm

While Camel Exchange Properties are also mapped to parameters in the current camel-xslt-saxon implementation, after the Camel Variables have been introduced, it is no longer recommended to store application data in Camel Exchange Properties. We encourage to use Camel Variables instead.

Attaching Document Schema files

If any of Source Body, Target Body and/or Parameter(s) are structured data, you can attach a schema file and visualize the data structure in a tree style view.

If the data is not structured and just a primitive value, you don’t need to attach a schema file.

Follow the below steps to attach a schema file.

  1. Place schema file(s) inside the workspace directory.

  2. Click Attach a schema button in one of the Source Body, Target Body or Parameters sections.

Attach Schema

  1. Select the schema file to attach.

Select schema

  1. Now the document structure is rendered inside a tree.

Schema attached

Creating simple mappings

Creating a mapping by dragging and dropping a field

When you perform drag and drop between the source and the target, a mapping is created and a line is drawn between the fields.

Example: Mapping the Name fields by dragging and dropping the source Name field on the target Name field.


Drag name
Drop name

Creating a mapping by typing an XPath expression

You can also create a mapping by entering a XPath expression.

  1. Click the 3 dots context menu on the target field and choose Add selector expression.

Add selector

  1. Then enter the XPath expression.

Type xpath

Creating conditional mappings

The DataMapper supports creating 3 types of conditional mappings:

  • if - The mapping is created only when the specified condition is met.
  • choose-when-otherwise - The mapping is created depending on how the condition is satisfied. If the when branch condition is satisfied, the when branch mapping is created. If no when branch condition is satisfied, then the otherwise branch mapping is created.
  • for-each - The mapping is created for each item in the collection. Collection means multiple occurrences, which is often represented as an array.

Create a if mapping

  1. Click the 3 dots context menu on the target section’s field. Then select wrap with "if" to create a mapping.

    3 dots menu
    Wrap with if

  2. Configure the if condition. You can drag the source field and drop it into the input field to build a condition, or alternatively type everything manually.

    Configure if condition

  3. Configure the mapping by using drag and drop or by typing it manually.

    Configure mapping

Create a choose-when-otherwise mapping

  1. Click the 3 dots context menu on the target section’s field. Then select wrap with "choose-when-otherwise" to create a mapping.

    Wrap with choose-when-otherwise

  2. Configure the when condition.

    Configure when condition

  3. Configure the mapping for the when branch.

    Configure when mapping

  4. Configure the mapping for the otherwise branch.

    Configure when mapping

  5. If required, you can add one or more when branches. To add another when branch you can click the 3 dots menu on the choose field in the Target section and then select Add "when".

    Configure when mapping
    Configure when mapping

Create a for-each mapping

When a field is a collection field (means multiple occurrences, often represented as an array), you can create a for-each mapping. The layer icon on the field indicates that it is a collection field.

Collection field

  1. Click the 3 dots context menu on the target section’s collection field. Then select wrap with "for-each" to create a mapping.

    Wrap with for-each

  2. Configure the for-each condition by specifying the source collection field to iterate over.

    Configure for-each condition

  3. Configure the mappings below. Note that the mapping field path is now a relative path from the collection field specified in the for-each condition.

    Configure for-each mappings

Using XPath expression editor

The XPath editor is still under initial development and it currently supports only limited drag and drop. In future releases, more syntax assisting features will be added.

If you want to write something more in XPath expression rather than just a field path, you can launch the XPath expression editor and work with it. There is a pencil icon on the target field which launches the XPath expression editor when you click it.

  1. Click the pencil button on a target field which has a mapping.

    Launch XPath editor

  2. This will open up the XPath editor.

    XPath editor

  3. You can then type in the editor at the right or drag a Field from the left and drop onto the editor.

    XPath editor: DnD fields

  4. You can also drag and drop XPath functions from the Function tab on the left side.

    XPath editor: Functions

  5. Drag the function and drop it onto the editor.

    XPath editor: DnD functions

  6. Once it’s completed, click the Close button at the bottom left.

    XPath editor: Close

  7. Now you can see the new mapping in the tree view.

    XPath editor: Done

Delete a mapping

  1. To delete a mapping you can click the dustbin button next to the target field.

    Delete a mapping

  2. You then have to confirm the deletion by clicking the Confirm button.

    Confirm delete mapping

Delete a parameter

  1. To delete a parameter, click the dustbin button next to the parameter.

    Delete parameter

  2. You then have to confirm the deletion by clicking the Confirm button.

    Delete parameter confirm

Detach a schema

Similar to attaching a schema you can also remove / detach a schema.

  1. Click the Detach schema button.

    Detach schema button

  2. Click the Confirm button.

    Detach schema confirm