Generating a catalog

Generating a catalog


By default, every Kaoto release includes the latest Camel version available at the moment of the build, nevertheless, generating a different set of catalogs is possible.

Catalog generator CLI

Kaoto provides a Camel catalog generator CLI to ease this process, it supports the following runtimes:

  • Main
  • Quarkus
  • Springboot

How to use?

  1. Clone the Kaoto project
  2. Navigate to the packages/catalog-generator directory
  3. Install the project dependencies:
./mvnw install
  1. Run the project with the following command:
./mvnw package; java -jar ./target/catalog-generator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -o ./dist/camel-catalog -k 4.6.0 -m 4.6.0 -n "My Catalog"
  1. This will generate a Catalog library containing:

    • Camel Main 4.6.0
    • Camel Kamelets 4.6.0
  2. The resulting files will be in the packages/catalog-generator/dist/camel-catalog folder

  3. Providing that folder through a http server will make it available for using it in Kaoto

Creating a Catalog library with different runtimes

In order to add multiple runtimes to the Catalog library, we can provide each runtime with its version using the following flags:

 -m,--main <version>               Camel Main version. If not specified,
                                   it will use the generator installed
 -q,--quarkus <version>            Camel Extensions for Quarkus version
 -s,--springboot <version>         Camel SpringBoot version

For instance, running the following command will create a Catalog library with Camel Main 4.6.0 and Camel extensions for Quarkus 3.8.0:

./mvnw package; java -jar ./target/catalog-generator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -o ./dist/camel-catalog -k 4.6.0 -m 4.6.0 -q 3.8.0 -n "My Catalog"

For a different Kamelets catalog version, the --kamelets or -k flag can be specified

./mvnw package; java -jar ./target/catalog-generator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -o ./dist/camel-catalog -k 4.5.0 -m 4.6.0  -n "My Catalog"

How to instruct Kaoto to use a specific Catalog library

  1. In VSCode, go to the settings page and look for “Kaoto”

    VSCode Kaoto settings

  2. In the TextField, provide the URL of the index.json file that specifies the location of the subsequent catalogs, for instance, the public Kaoto catalog can be used:

    Setting a Kaoto catalog URL

  3. Restart Kaoto for the changes to have effect

    KAoto runtime selector