This roadmap is subject to change.
Visual Debugger
Enable users to visually debug their integrations and inspect the contents of the messages
DataMapper JSON Support
Add support for JSON mappings
Connections Wizard
Provide an easy way to configure connections (for instance to databases or brokers) via a wizard like functionality
Maven support
Provide better support for working with Maven based integration projects like CSB or CEQ
OpenAPI support
Provide better support for working with OpenAPI in your integrations
Enhanced Kaoto Extension
Create a dedicated Kaoto view which provides a better overview and easier access to needed functionality
XML IO DSL Support
Additionally to YAML DSL we would like to offer users to use the XML IO DSL
Drag & Drop Support
Enable users to quickly move steps on the canvas with Drag & Drop
DataMapper (Tech Preview)
Initial release of a visual datamapper supporting XML mappings
Multi Version Support
Provide support for multiple Apache Camel versions, both upstream and downstream
Kaoto 2.0 Release
Release version 2.0 of Kaoto which marks the first big release after switching the focus fully to providing a visual designer for Apache Camel and moving to a new tech stack